Kountz Family History
The Genealogy of the Kountz Family
Surname List
1. A (1) 2. Abbie (1) 3. Abbott (1) 4. Abbott-Poller (2) |
5. Abraham (47) 6. Abraham-Parker (1) 7. Abrahams (1) 8. Adams (2) |
9. Adamson (1) 10. Alexander (6) 11. Allen (2) 12. Ann (1) |
13. Anna (1) 14. April (1) 15. Arhtur (1) 16. Armitage (6) |
17. Aston (12) 18. Atwell (1) 19. Ayers (3) |
1. Baker (3) 2. Bandy (8) 3. Basham (1) 4. Baverstock (1) 5. Beale (7) 6. Bear (1) |
7. Beard (1) 8. Beers (1) 9. Belcher (5) 10. Bell (5) 11. Berry (1) 12. Bethall (2) |
13. Bethell (11) 14. Bethell Esquire (1) 15. Black (1) 16. Blathwayt (9) 17. Blaythwayt (1) 18. Blythe (1) |
19. Bobbs (1) 20. Bogie (1) 21. Bone (1) 22. Bowman (1) 23. Brandenburg (4) 24. Breedlove (1) |
25. Brooks (1) 26. Brown (14) 27. Brumbaugh (1) 28. Bryant (1) 29. Burke (1) 30. Burroughs (3) |
1. Calvert (1) 2. Candler (4) 3. Carney (1) 4. Caroline (1) 5. Carothers (2) |
6. Carrie (1) 7. Carter (2) 8. Chambers (1) 9. Chandler (6) 10. Chaplin (1) |
11. Chapman (3) 12. Chee (1) 13. Chittester (1) 14. Christian (37) 15. Christiana (1) |
16. Cisne (1) 17. Clark (10) 18. Coleman (3) 19. Collins (1) 20. Conatser (1) |
21. Coppin (1) 22. Couch (1) 23. Coverdale (2) 24. Crolett (1) 25. Crouch (6) |
1. DeBlassie (1) 2. Denford (7) 3. Dennis (1) |
4. Deuringer (1) 5. Devine (1) 6. DeVore (4) |
7. Dewees (1) 8. Doane (9) 9. Donart (3) |
10. Doneghy (1) 11. Dowle (4) 12. Dowle Denford (1) |
13. Drew (1) 14. Durbin (2) 15. Dysart (1) |
1. Edminston (1) 2. Edwards (1) 3. Ehninger (1) |
4. Elethia (1) 5. Eliza (1) 6. Elizabeth (2) |
7. Ellinston (1) 8. Elliott (3) 9. Elnora (1) |
10. Eppihimer (1) 11. Estill (7) 12. Eugenia (1) |
13. Evans (1) 14. Ewing (1) |
1. Fedler (2) 2. Fenwick (11) 3. Fisher (1) |
4. Floyd (1) 5. Folk (1) 6. Folkard (1) |
7. Folkerth (12) 8. Forscha (1) 9. Fosmark (1) |
10. Foster (1) 11. Frisch (1) 12. Fryer (4) |
13. FULKERSON (1) 14. Fuller (1) |
1. Gallafant (1) 2. Gallafent (1) 3. Gallaphant (5) 4. Gallifant (15) 5. Galliphant (1) |
6. Gantzschier (1) 7. Gatrost (3) 8. Gibbins (2) 9. Gilbert (8) 10. Gilholy (1) |
11. Gillette (1) 12. Goettemoeller (1) 13. Goldring (7) 14. Goodman (2) 15. Gorrard (2) |
16. Gossett (1) 17. Grant (2) 18. Green (9) 19. Griffin (2) 20. Grover (2) |
21. Guntharp (1) |
1. Hale (1) 2. Hallowbread (1) 3. Hammer (4) 4. Hannah (1) 5. Hardin (12) 6. Hardman (1) |
7. Hardy (1) 8. Harriett (1) 9. Harrison (1) 10. Hatton (2) 11. Haver (1) 12. Hawkins (2) |
13. Heckman (3) 14. Helmann (1) 15. Henley (4) 16. Hewet (1) 17. Hilton (4) 18. Hinkle (1) |
19. Hitchcock (2) 20. Hodge (1) 21. Hosier (4) 22. Hourigan (20) 23. Howard (2) 24. Hufnogel (1) |
25. Hughley (1) 26. Humphrey (22) 27. Humphries (2) 28. Hutchinson (11) 29. Hutson (2) |
1. James (1) 2. Jameson (1) |
3. Jane (1) 4. Janzen (1) |
5. Jarman (1) 6. Jeannette (1) |
7. Johnson (5) 8. Jones (3) |
9. Josephine (1) |
1. Kaelin (4) 2. Kaplan (1) 3. Kelley (4) 4. Kelly (6) |
5. Kenney (1) 6. Kenreigh (6) 7. Kern (2) 8. Key (1) |
9. Kissel (15) 10. Kissell (13) 11. Knaub (3) 12. Knauf (38) |
13. Knupp (1) 14. Knuth (1) 15. Kountz (91) 16. Kraenzel (1) |
17. Kuntz (5) |
1. Lacum (1) 2. Lacy (1) 3. Lavengood (1) 4. Lawless (1) 5. Lawrence (1) |
6. Laws (19) 7. Lea (1) 8. Lehigh (2) 9. Leipold (2) 10. Letter (2) |
11. Lewis (1) 12. Lightfoot (2) 13. Limberger (1) 14. Linda (1) 15. Litchfield (2) |
16. Litton (1) 17. Liverman (1) 18. Lucas (3) 19. Lucile (1) 20. Luckett (1) |
21. Luttrell (1) 22. Lybrook (1) 23. Lydia (1) 24. Lyne (1) |
1. Marchman (1) 2. Marcum (6) 3. Markey (1) 4. Mary (1) 5. Maryon (12) 6. Massey (9) |
7. Mattingly (1) 8. Maynor (1) 9. McArdell (1) 10. McCartney (1) 11. McDonald (3) 12. McGovern (5) |
13. McGriff (1) 14. McKeen (1) 15. McKinsey (1) 16. McLaughlin (1) 17. McLeod (1) 18. Michelle (1) |
19. Miller (16) 20. Mines (2) 21. Minton (1) 22. Mize (9) 23. Mockett (1) 24. Moring (1) |
25. Morris (1) 26. Mott (1) 27. Mottershead (4) 28. Mullenger (3) 29. Mullinger (2) 30. Musick (2) |
1. Padilla (1) 2. Parker (51) 3. Parman (1) |
4. Patterson (1) 5. Paul (1) 6. Pearce (1) |
7. Pelham (1) 8. Pennock (1) 9. Pfenninger (1) |
10. Pilcher (1) 11. Pizzey (1) 12. Polk (2) |
13. Pollar (3) 14. Poller (1) 15. Prescott (1) |
1. R (1) 2. Raftery (1) 3. Rawlings (1) 4. Reagan (3) 5. Rebecca (1) |
6. Redman (11) 7. Reed (3) 8. Reid (10) 9. Reynolds (3) 10. Richardson (5) |
11. Riddell (2) 12. Riordan (1) 13. Roberts (3) 14. Rolandelli (1) 15. Roth (2) |
16. Rule (1) 17. Rush (2) 18. Ruszczyk (1) 19. Ruth (1) 20. Rutter (1) |
21. Ryan (1) |
1. S (1) 2. Sarah (2) 3. Sawbridge (3) 4. Sawbridgeworth (7) 5. Scarlett (1) 6. Schierbaum (1) 7. Schofield (2) 8. Scholfield (1) |
9. Schwartz (1) 10. Seachrist (2) 11. Sedam (3) 12. Sellard (1) 13. Sera (1) 14. Sexton (5) 15. Shaffer (1) 16. Sharon (1) |
17. Sharpe (19) 18. Sharpe Laming (1) 19. Shay (11) 20. Shelba (1) 21. Shirley (1) 22. Sieving (1) 23. Simkin (2) 24. Sinclair (1) |
25. Siscoll (1) 26. Sloper (1) 27. Slough (6) 28. Smith (6) 29. Snauffer (3) 30. Snell (1) 31. Sowders (1) 32. Spellman (1) |
33. Starnes (3) 34. Steel (1) 35. Steigerwald (14) 36. Stiegerwald (3) 37. Stone (4) 38. Stover (3) 39. Sutton (5) 40. Swain (4) |
1. Taylor (2) 2. Thompson (8) 3. Tibbs (4) |
4. Tilbury (1) 5. Tizzard (3) 6. Tollemache (1) |
7. Tollemarche (3) 8. Tollmarche (1) 9. Tomes (1) |
10. Toone (1) 11. Tumber (3) |
1. Unger (1) |
1. Van Zandt (1) |
1. Wagman (1) 2. Walker (7) 3. Walzak (1) 4. Ware (1) 5. Watkins (1) |
6. Watt (10) 7. Weinacht (1) 8. Welsh (1) 9. Wessa (10) 10. Westbury (1) |
11. White (2) 12. Whobrey (6) 13. Wildy (1) 14. Wilkerson (4) 15. Williams (1) |
16. Witten (4) 17. Wittington (1) 18. Wnenta (11) 19. Womack (1) 20. Wood (3) |
21. Woodward (4) 22. Woosley (1) 23. Wynacht (10) |
1. York (1) |